Tuesday, January 19, 2010


So the past few months have been amazing! God has showed me so much and how privileged I am to live where I live and to have the parents that I have.

I have changed my major from accounting to emergency management. With this degree I believe God wants me to go and help overseas. It has really been on my heart to do this since I went to New Orleans this past summer. My passion is to help others who need it. Hurricane Katrina happened in 2005 and there is still much needed help to clean up and build new houses. So this spring break I am dedicating my time to help, I will be gone from March 21-26.

I'm also planning a trip to Korea this summer for about 2 weeks to minister to the people there about God and what he has done for me. I am going with my old youth pastor who I love dearly. I hope to learn a lot about other cultures from this experience because I have never been out of the United States (not even Mexico).

With what my major is now I really wish I could be in Haiti. There are so many people working hard to clean up the ruble and find all of the missing people. My heart goes out to all the families over there or affected by this disaster. I have heard about the US students that were there when this happened and it makes me wonder what if that was me and my parents didn't know what was going on. It made me think twice about what I want to do but then God has reassured me so many times and I know that he will take care of me and my family.

I have also started sponsoring a child in the Philippines her name is April she is 3 years old. I felt really convicted to helping others because of what I have been blessed with and it is only $38 a month to feed and cloth her and possibly even help with her education. By cutting out eating out I won't even notice it is gone to be honest. There are so many kids out there who need to be sponsored so if you are interested then go to Compassion International, I know it is a legit site. My church back home actually had a guy named Jimmy come talk about how Compassion International helped him as a kid. You should check out the video on youtube.com and in the search bar put Compassion International Jimmy or something like that. It will seriously bring you to tears.

Well I hope this didn't bore whoever reads it. It is just some thoughts that have ran through my head and things going on with my life.

God Bless

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